Blinded By Silence
Hip Hop 4 Soul
Real Rap & true Hip-Hop from 88 'til infinity
Only music
demain c'est loin
music evangelist
paris / istanbul / shanghai
SayItWithSilence I www.siws.fr I @SIWSilence I www.facebook.com/SayItWithSilence
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Hit me with music.. Tu m'as planté dans le dos y avait pas de sang
Car c'est du son qui coule dans mes veines, en BPM - Ox
Daniel Hartnett
Corporatethief Beats aka Daniel is a young and up in coming music producer from Dublin Ireland. As owner and founder of http://www.thecorporatethiefbeats.com he produces unique hip hop and rap beats for sale or lease.
Growing up he had a passion for
Swann Nicolas