Mina Koleva
I am Mina Koleva - manager of Leonardo Bansko If you like to eat original Italian food and calm and luxurious atmosphere, this Italian restaurant is for you. You can try there a variety of Italian gourmet dishes.
- Bansko
- leonardobansko.com
- Po Linelle
- Geo
- Clément Rave
Lilie G
Frog who lives in Ireland, traveled a bit (a lot?), still travelling a bit (a lot?), and thanks to all this, I now enjoy listening to most types of music!
- Art Art
- Dublin Core
Lena Orsa
Lena Orsa is truly a woman of music: she performs a number of roles, including composer, orchestrator, pianist, producer, educator and arranger. A universal musician, Lena Orsa can perform in any music genre, be it rock, pop, jazz, soul or classical
- Le Juste
- Lou McZarowsky
- Fzzz