- Tony Wan
- Shiho Seino
- eric.r
- つきな
- Eugen Maysyuk
- Dana Giazov
- TheLikerM
- Mi
- Médé Telly
- Amandine Lambert
- ヨッシー
- PaAu
- Orange Hello
- Lucas biteau
- 大町祐太朗
- Yuki Kurokawa
- Chantelle
- Dolce
- Rei Doeda
- AP
- tomoe
- Harun Klncr
- JeWell Manley
- Lynda Cormack
- Daisuke Kaneko
- 春山 はるか
- Norbert Vidda
- An
- kita nana
- きくちゆりの
- Florine Sage
- E-ne Kageusa
- Josephine
- mastato takeuchi
- 河本千穂
- DT
- Kasumi Mochizuki
- 伊藤美月
- Alexandra Shubin
- 山口
- Takumi Asai
- Will C
- Tetsuya Yabe
Ethan Cohen
Hello! I'm honored to tell you, that I had the chance to work on a building which cost was approximated at $1 00.
- ほし の き
Robert Davis
Welcome! I am pleased to tell you, that I had the chance to work on a construction site which value was estimated at $93000 00.
- Tomomi Ito
- Masato Yoshimura