Lawrence Egloff Bass
Ex Jagger
I love guitar and all kind of bier... especially both together.
Egi Arbi Brako
sebastien gevaert
Emission musicale sur Youtube // Recrue HornsUp// Un saxophoniste moldave en vaut deux // Longue vie au 4e art !
Idishe RastaMan
לפעמים המוסיקה שמתנגנת לי בראש היא בעריכת עליזה דיסטניק
I Appologize upfront for playing songs in languages you don't understand
"Time is a tool you could put on a wall, or wear it on your wrist. The past is far behind us, the future doesn't exist !"
Je partage ce qui me plaît ! :D
From a land of sharing and listening ....