James Anderson

My name is David and I'd would like to share with you a little about my beloved city, and also about me. Of course, my favourite city, is the place where I was born and it is Willow, located in a scenic Wayne county, in a big MI state. Ok, I just tol



  • Stefanos Mavrogenis
  • Rainer Etzweiler
  • Indie Headphones
    My quest is to pick up the best sounds from different styles : Rock, Alternative, Pop, Electronica... and from independant + DIY productions. I try my best to choose tracks I really like : 22 tracks per month ! I Hope You enjoy those collections...
  • Indie Monster
    Michael Schilling - A&R guy for The Music Playground
  • gotafli
    mah jamszzsh
  • lopy
    Je suis plutôt dans l'élec, l'éclems, l'électimse...enfin j'écoute tout ce que j'aime quoi
  • Alex Levit
  • Dulce Soledad