A d è l e
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- Célia Bonnaud
- Mitsuru Hasegawa
Graphic + Web Designer
Very Important Music
Ilot symphonique de vagues déjantées, de caresses mélodieuses et de brises rythmiques mêlant fraicheur, innovation et nostalgie.
Noi Sek - Miley Cyrus Advocate
My house is an eternal mountain of flames, deep within the curtains of the new blue shard glass city. Cometh the sandalwood harbinger, destroyer of worlds.
- Yutaka Hayashi
- Olivier Escalon
- Loraine Habib
- Enzo MT
Music is emotion
Brendon Goldwasser
Los Angeles-based music writer, curator, and avid fan of music, art, culture, etc. Let's connect and share amazing music.
I love music and always search for new sounds. Stick around for some musical goodness!
Funky Square DM