"Time is a tool you could put on a wall, or wear it on your wrist. The past is far behind us, the future doesn't exist !"
Je partage ce qui me plaît ! :D
- Lyon, France
If someday I could create a band which would be famous, I would call it "Burning cows" or "Yogurt in the sea".
Alkali Grdn
French Architect - Living and Working in London
Music lover, get easily crazy if i can't play guitar for a while
- Baptiste Guillaume
- Richard Watt
Where Culture Ignites The Inner Flame
- Niki Red
- Marc Deleporte
Things are gonna slide, slide in all directions...
Nah, I don't like cookies, but I love pies... Apart from that - I enjoy music!
Just a bloke who fucking loves music
Good vibes from the Whyd team
Toute musique tant que ça me donne des émotions : rock - pop - metal - hardcore - post rock - post hardcore - electro, etc. Batteur
- Julie Strange
- Picolo
27, French
Tonyo Vuelo Claro
Je mentirais si je n'pensais pas déjà m’être amusé à raconter n'importe quoi juste pour les faire marrer
- shd
Patrick Terrier (Eddie)
I love f*cking METAL!!! and other stuff too ^^ Administrateur de la page FB: Le Sang du Metal https://www.facebook.com/Le.Sang.du.Metal
- Antoine Demange
- samhell
Officiellement éleveur de licorne en Afrique du Sud
Music is the doctor, of my soul...
- Daniel Miriel
- gil Mecach
- Irissae
J Barron
- Jeremy
- Jean-Voix
- Frank Rodriquez
"Time is a tool you could put on a wall, or wear it on your wrist. The past is far behind us, the future doesn't exist !" Je partage ce qui me plaît ! :D
Adrien Joly
Picky but diverse: indie/post/angry rock, fusion jazz, synthwave, chiptune... Also, I lead the development of openwhyd.org.
- Benjamin De Guzman
- Pain-Beurre Grenadine
- discoteub
Le rockeur du grenier
Mes mèmes musicaux sur insta: @le_rockeur_du_grenier Mes mèmes BD : @ce_neurchiste_milou
- Cédric Oleari
Jayus Auberg
Post-rock, post-metal, IDM, rock, psychedelic, electro-house.....and every song that shakes me no matter the genre
- Gilles Lafitte
- Valentin Bac
- Sébastien Le Bouquin
Emission musicale sur Youtube // Recrue HornsUp// Un saxophoniste moldave en vaut deux // Longue vie au 4e art !
- Jacob Busch Christensen
Ex Jagger
I love guitar and all kind of bier... especially both together.
- David Meugnot
Kalvis Dekters
I LOVE cookies
Emily Phillips
I write music and I recently got offered a record deal💥
- Wissal Bakouchi
- Jessica Freitas