
  • Manuel González-Molinier
    Manuel Gonzalez-Molinier is singer and songwriter in spanish weird-pop band Hazte lapon. He loves caustic humor, psychoanalytic interpretation of art, italian easy-listening and XTC entire discography.
  • Melissa B.
    Melissa B is an Electric Pop music artist who is driven by technology putting her in a lane of her own. Melissa sets herself apart by not only having the vocal chops of a great music artist but has also intertwined technology as a girl geek.
  • Simen Husmo
  • HIitjane
    Be positive ... La musique avant toute chose !
  • LR
    Everything is about music, my life is about music given rhythm by my heartbeats...
  • Marine
  • P.J. Wascher
  • Bobby Dennett
  • New Hispanic Music
    Sounds of the 'New Latin Wave', the Hispanic one, from Spanish speaking musicians around the World. You won't find any cliché here.
  • Selma Srr