
  • Israel Lindenbaum
  • Voyageman
    New Music Ventures
  • Mouss
  • Gempp Pierre
  • Eliott
  • Lilie G
    Frog who lives in Ireland, traveled a bit (a lot?), still travelling a bit (a lot?), and thanks to all this, I now enjoy listening to most types of music!
  • Gizmo Varillas
    “Timeless” DJ Gary Crowley, BBC Introducing “He sounds like a thoroughly interesting young man” Simon Raymonde
  • Hayim Sarfati
  • Kim Palimpseste
    "La vie sans musique est tout simplement une erreur, une fatigue, un exil." Friedrich Nietzsche II "L'instinct de la musique"
  • Jérome A.