Zeynep Dal



  • Melissa B.
    Melissa B is an Electric Pop music artist who is driven by technology putting her in a lane of her own. Melissa sets herself apart by not only having the vocal chops of a great music artist but has also intertwined technology as a girl geek.
  • daiju0227
  • Ichiro
  • Candace N. Cook
  • Guillaume Gmd
  • Hersh Kumbhani
    Co-founder at Trabblr. Meet awesome people while exploring your city.
  • Magali Gr
  • Julia Lin
  • noisepop2012
    It was to be moved because the song number is large http://whyd.com/u/5564ef9c4bf212908fb2f7d4 I was born from the community site called mixi in Japan noisepop, in order to find a mate more I came here It was born in 2012