shoukath ali abdulla



  • Shmuel Ben Dov
    I am semi retired music therapist teaching in a training program and working with children with autism and therefor music is a very important in my life....
  • Ran Markovitz
  • Association Française des Orchestres
    L’Association Française des Orchestres est l’organisation professionnelle des orchestres permanents. 8e édition d'Orchestres en fête (du 18 au 20 novembre 2016) en préparation ! #classicalmusic
  • Yinon Royhman
  • Abhijit Pradhan
  • Paris Mix
    1ère grappe musicale en Ile de France : 46 entreprises, institutions et associations réunies autour de 3 champs d'action : Musique, Innovation & Diversité.
  • Juana Ghani
    At once lively and dark, always teetering on the edge of sanity and taunting Imagination’s greatest landscapes, Juana Ghani’s music is a marriage of Old World traditions and Rock-n-Roll energy all wrapped up in the dreams of Gypsy legend.
  • James Byers
  • Thierry At Chic