- fanoo
- haruka hasegawa
- Eloo
- amy vazq
- Fujioka shunsuke
- Juliedev
- Katia Dion
- 矢澤にこ
- Umeko
- 東山大地
- 遠藤拓弥
- hokuhokutempura
- Mélanie Boisseaux
- Chiaki Tachibana
- 田中魁秀
- Shuzo Yamada
- Yuu Endo
- Andrew Friedman
- ももか
- Rie Doi
- Louise Galard
- Hunter Teske
- satoko morishita
- kobayashi hiromichi
- northtom
- Elodie
- paige
- Natacha Perera
- Claudine Berthe
- Ana Fernández Peláez
I am from Japan Tokyo. I like to travel much. I finished high school, and soon I will study in University at Harvard in America. I want to be an actor or artist in the future.