If what you have to say is not more beautiful than music, be still
Adrien Joly
Picky but diverse: indie/post/angry rock, fusion jazz, synthwave, chiptune...
Also, I lead the development of openwhyd.org.
Natural and minimalist...
Music Is The Rythm Of Life
Music is the doctor, of my soul...
Cosmin Trucmel
Er Tisor
There's always gonna be rock n' roll bands, there's always gonna be kids that love rock n' roll records, and there will always be rock n' roll.
Le rockeur du grenier
Mes mèmes musicaux sur insta: @le_rockeur_du_grenier
Mes mèmes BD : @ce_neurchiste_milou
Gérard Duquesnoy
Idishe RastaMan
לפעמים המוסיקה שמתנגנת לי בראש היא בעריכת עליזה דיסטניק
I Appologize upfront for playing songs in languages you don't understand
Anthony Brin
Counting crows, tenacious d, the Beatles, red hot, and lots of others ♪
Israel Lindenbaum
Radar bazaaR
In the Disco Space
Dropping all over the world smooth/hard electronic candies
Co-founder of Siren Dipity Collective
Tony Hymes
Got a Lambo like LeBron's mom
I am Alice R.
Yesterday is the past, tomorrow may never happen, the most important day in your life is today.
"Je connais tes yeux dans le soleil du matin..."
Tamar Abrahams Schultz
UX Designer, Co-founder of Stix, Love rock & Indie music