


  • Adrien Joly
    Picky but diverse: indie/post/angry rock, fusion jazz, synthwave, chiptune... Also, I lead the development of openwhyd.org.
  • SouthbySouthwest
    The unofficial playlist featuring EVERY band playing at SxSW 2014
  • Milenko
    Finding good old sounds, searching for a better new one ...
  • Djiou
    Music lover, get easily crazy if i can't play guitar for a while
  • Marija
    Latvia. Under the sun, over the river.
  • Tal Naglis
  • Lorenz
  • bluelizard
    But I really love cooking & headbanging
  • Beware
    Beware is an online magazine, dealing with art music and stuff ! www.bewaremag.com
  • Carlos Eris Lezama