Israel Lindenbaum
Connor Brassington
My life: graphic design, video games, and finding new music.
Rainer Etzweiler
My Own Jukebox
Daily Dose of Sweet Music
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/My-Own-Jukebox/503218306357402
Tumblr : http://myownjukebox.tumblr.com/
Soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/zeyinyin
The Sifting Pan
Helping you find those indie gems!
Tender Tones
Plutôt qu'une longue description qui vanterait notre érudition musicale, nos influences plus que recommandables, notre singularité innée et notre complicité éternelle, nous vous recommandons simplement d’écouter notre musique.
Where words fail, music speaks.
Arun Raghavan
I like the word 'eclectic'.
Flávio Croffi
Founder of Geekness.com.br and Editor at Baboo.com.br
Bringing you the sweetest sounding and most body popping beats from around the world. Anything else is a bonus.