Shut Up & Play The Books !
Un livre, un avis, une playlist, c'est Shut Up and Play The Books!
Écoutez la playlist des livres que vous lirez, lisez, avez lus ou ne lirez jamais.
Merry Haddock
Nerdy pirate and music lover
Benoit Noel Piernot
Yoga Teacher
Marcos Stephan
Toute musique tant que ça me donne des émotions : rock - pop - metal - hardcore - post rock - post hardcore - electro, etc. Batteur
Pascal Vanbel
Hugo Titelein
Shawty likes her lean dry
Olivier Salmon
CEO postanalytics.fr service de conseil et veille stratégique, structure et transforme des données en connaissance
Without music I would have died long ago...
Tasha Cole McKinlay
Writer and aspiring author. Photographer, capturing images of God's art in nature. Wife. Mother. Daughter. Sister. Cousin. Aunt. Friend. Imperfect. Hi, I'm Tasha.