- Marie Le Rolland
- emmanuel
- Thaïs
- Natha Lee
- EGO Audrey
- certiiified
- Ziggi
An unusual specimen
- barek
- flamarre
- Yves Mabon
- Oscar Chen
Mr T.Boon est un beat-maker parisien – et fier de l’être -, qui évolue dans l’Abstract Hip-Hop. Gros adepte de la Loudness War, cette fameuse course au volume qui affole les auditeurs, le jeune prodige du beatmaking livre des productions agressives,
- Chloé Wnklmnn
- Lilian Estreboou
- JP Ferrero
- John Sannaee
- jeanne
- s_ile
- LF Mav
- Nathalie Hebeisen
- Chaher Mohamed
- Gaston
hans kulisch
hi there, dj for global music since 30 years in vienna and some other places. its a mix of all genres, allmost from all times and places, since a few years i invented an aleatoric way to do that live, i choose my tracks by chance.
- Lisa Marais
- Clëm
- Adelaide van der Hoeven