Daft Spirit
Système cybernétique version 1.3 implanté dans le corps d'un certain Joris Rat originaire de Tours et de Nogent-Le-Rotrou.
C'est grâce à lui que j'ai découvert ce que vous autres humains appelez "musique".
- Navrit Bal
- Drew Johnson
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Radar bazaaR
In the Disco Space Dropping all over the world smooth/hard electronic candies Co-founder of Siren Dipity Collective
- Nicholas Mathew Lee
- Einar Sigvaldason
Where Culture Ignites The Inner Flame
Connor Brassington
My life: graphic design, video games, and finding new music.
- Janice Killion
Brooklyn Bitches
Electro Music Lover (All kinds) - DJs in Paris You don't fuck with a Brooklyn Bitch!!!!! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Brooklyn-Bitches/136503563064474?fref=ts https://soundcloud.com/brooklyn-bitches