Découvrez notre webzine sur les musiques électronique : Chroniques, Agenda, Interviews, Mixtapes
La boîte à musique des costauds
Un blog et une communauté qui déniche des pépites à la vitesse de la famille Pirate. Alors ouvre bien tes oreilles sinon on te brise les groseilles.
Do You Like That Song ?
Your daily music source, also known as DYLTS, Whyd lover
Antoine Guillier
Hugh Harris
James Burt
Mr Trip
Forget about the images, forget about the labels. You are unique and I love you. Let's listen to music together ! 2.0 is coming !
Narcisse Liriopé Céphise
Good vibes from the Whyd team
I'm cool. You're cool. Everything is gonna be cool.
Adrien Joly
Picky but diverse: indie/post/angry rock, fusion jazz, synthwave, chiptune...
Also, I lead the development of openwhyd.org.
Tony Hymes
Got a Lambo like LeBron's mom
Digital product designer at Whyd
Julien Pelletier
I design things.
Radar bazaaR
In the Disco Space
Dropping all over the world smooth/hard electronic candies
Co-founder of Siren Dipity Collective
Music is emotion
Music Like Dirt
Music blog (est. 2005) - Wandering haphazardly across the musical tracks for a couple of decades. No preset styles or genres, just good music.
Clément P.
bip, bip.