L.U.C & Motion Trio feat. Ania Rusowicz - Iluzji łąka

Mar 2015

Luke Whyder added this track to Mardo Tree


"Suddenly, I was born somewhere deep in the Solar System, in the physical world of living organisms and matter. After a shockingly short pregnancy (in fact, it took about 20 seconds), the delivery took place when my mother, stunned as she was, was changing a light bulb in our timeworn microwave oven “Jerry 6.”That time I took on an extremely fragile form of existence and the only planet that appeared hospitable enough for me was the Earth. So I temporarily left my physical body here, but my thoughts chose freedom and simply fled. Few times a day they come back to take a piss or to water the plants. And that’s all. The remaining phonon of time I spend a long way off. Constantly I do my best, I concentrate all my efforts to reconcile somehow these two separate conditions, but at the same time I am fully aware that my “departures” may irritate some people. But what can I do about it…" - www.eluce.pl...

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