silvia nove
I'd love to get out of here
- Clarice Avila
Rohan Light
Without music, life would be a mistake
- Félix Vaissière
Aurélia De Gall
I love cookies and headbanging
- JO76
- Panda
Tomer Anony-less
love cookies and headbanging
- Zoomroom Roomzoom
- Lula
dominique lutier
Juan Hdz Ch
Music lover. Audio engineer. Musician.
Rafael G
Blog is life
- Devon Wilson
Aïssatou B de Rotrude
Sans musique, la vie ne serait que silence
Nizza Kick I PaperScissors
Co-founder PAPER SCISSORS (Gigs producer - Paris) Singer / Bassist
Adrien Joly
Picky but diverse: indie/post/angry rock, fusion jazz, synthwave, chiptune... Also, I lead the development of
- Aurélien Habiak
Nicolas Morzy
Simple music lover always searching for the smoothest beat. Spread the love, spread the music !
- Mario
- Justin S
- David
Cedric L.
finding, listening, sharing, mixing, encore, encore et encore.
- Marie
- Margot
-, le sélecteur de musique(s)
- G.E.
Sir Fox
A crazy fox digging around for classics and new gems.
- Benjamin Canva
- Mike Gehrke
Gérard Duquesnoy
It was to be moved because the song number is large I was born from the community site called mixi in Japan noisepop, in order to find a mate more I came here It was born in 2012
- SuperDOS
Jonathan Melgar
Picking freshly squeezed music for @RadioCampusParis
- Lyon CityCrunch
- Sam David
Petit Oai
Viens fouiller dans mon petit oai...
Dlph Sontag-Nazinsky
- Israel Lindenbaum
- laust
- Thara
- Alex
- Howard Og
- Bryan Toutant
- Manon Delauney
Wake The Deaf
Julien Nait Bouda
Journaliste musical indépendant. A la recherche de groupes dont le talent demande à être diffusé.
The Flying Melomaniac
An eclectic music lover not bounded to any music style or trend. Let me surprise you
- François Chupin