Louis Huppelschoten
Co-Founder of @Rooftopshorizon | User Communication Manager at @LouisVuitton | Music Editor at @fraimentfrais
- Paris, France
- rooftops-horizon.com
- Soundcloud
Once upon a past
Le son que t’avais oublié mais en fait quand tu l’entends tu t’en rappelles.
Sarah Ethève
RP - Owner chez Boom! Music Rédactrice @ Now Playing Mag Twitter : @SarahEtheve Music / Fun / West Coast nowplaying-mag.com
Beware is an online magazine, dealing with art music and stuff ! www.bewaremag.com
Emilie BUTEL
@EmilieButel @maisonbarclay
Pierre-Christian Mener
I eat & drink Music ! Elpedro.fr & MyBandNews
Boris Laplante
Papa fondateur de Voluume.fr | CM junior chez MyBandNews | Blog Yoso.fr
- Etienne Servant
Game on.
Amaury Martin B
Leader & Redactor on chief @WATMMagazine
- Nico Prat
Laurène Sturm
blonde music ninja
I'm cool. You're cool. Everything is gonna be cool.
Oreille Musicale
Découvrez quotidiennement des nouveaux morceaux et artistes • Fondé par @FabriceGeib
- Romain Follain
- Steven
Whyders since 2013
Julien Pelletier
I design things.
Tony Hymes
Got a Lambo like LeBron's mom