New Hispanic Music
Sounds of the 'New Latin Wave', the Hispanic one, from Spanish speaking musicians around the World. You won't find any cliché here.
- London based, Globally played.
- Soundcloud
- Pab lgn
- AIdaLoveMusic
- Tennessy
- Ferrey
- summer
Jacob Jett
Be my babe - will ya?
- Jess ika
- Hhhhh
- Moreira sonia
- misaki
- Audreycommunal
- Lealoyen
- Justine
- Anabela DF
- Sophie
- Donludo
- fezifihe
- Nathan Delhaye
- Elodie Lepops
- Ozn
- Virginia
- DavidDL
- Benoit Bolaño
Je Mets Le Oai Partout / Press play don't press pause
- musicaeso
Ines Serizer
IG ineserizer
- Nico
- musicaesoe19
- musicaesoe26
- Lizane
- Sarahidem
- Fred33
- Laulou81
- susana
- Charlottegrandeurnature
- Jean-Francois Bienvenue
- Pauline Abaléa
- Manon
- fezifihe
- Dastan
- Adrasset Katy
- fezifiheq
Chavatte Valerie
musicienne pratiquant le cor d'harmonie et le saxhorn
- manon
- Itane Lacrampe-camus
- Judith Ortiz
- Victor Lopez
- Aylin Ulupınar
- Pascale Grd
- Falgoux