Save songs from YouTube, SoundCloud and other websites straight to Openwhyd

Install Now

Click on the "Install Now" button to add it to your browser, then click on it when you find a cool track you want to add to your library.

See other button

What's that?

To instantly add tracks to your Openwhyd stream that you find across the web, from any website, we built the Openwhyd "add track" button. Drag the button to your bookmarks bar to install it, and then you can save the new tracks you find and share immediately from sites like Facebook and music blogs. It's super fast and super simple.

Work with track from:

  • Youtube
  • Soundcloud
  • Vimeo
See How It Works

You'll see something like this added to your browser

When you add new items a window will pop up like this

You'll see something like this added to your browser

When you add new items a window will pop up like this

Simply drag the button to the bookmarks bar of your browser, then click "OK" when prompted to choose a name for this bookmark.

You don’t see the bookmarks bar in your browser?

What's that?

To instantly add tracks to your Openwhyd stream that you find across the web, from any website, we built the Openwhyd "add track" button. Drag the button to your bookmarks bar to install it, and then you can save the new tracks you find and share immediately from sites like Facebook and music blogs. It's super fast and super simple.

Work with track from:

  • Youtube
  • Soundcloud
  • Vimeo
See How It Works

You'll see something like this added to your browser

When you add new items a window will pop up like this

How to install:

  • 1
    Ensure that the bookmarks bar in Google Chrome is enabled.

    To do so, click the wrench in the top right corner of your browser. Then go to Bookmarks, and make sure that there is a check next to "Always Show Bookmarks Bar."

  • 1
    Ensure that the bookmarks bar in Firefox is enabled.

    To do so, display your bookmarks bar by clicking View > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar

  • 1
    Ensure that the bookmarks bar in Safari is enabled.

    To do so, display your bookmarks bar by clicking View > Toolbars > Bookmarks Toolbar

  • 1 In Internet Explorer 8, display your bookmarks bar by clicking Tools > Toolbars > Favorites Bar
  • 1 In Internet Explorer, display your bookmarks bar by right-clicking the top grey area of the browser, then click on Favorites Bar
  • 2
    Drag this button, and drop it in your bookmarks bar

    Openwhyd ✚ Track

  • 3
    While browsing the web, click on "Openwhyd ✚ Track" whenever you see some music you want to add to your library